COVID-19 Procedures reminder
The club committee wishes to remind members that COVID is still very active and we all need to do our bit to prevent the spread .
Accordingly the Committee has introduced the following procedures in relation to club activities and workshops
Signs are placed on doors and at key common areas such as doorways toilets sinks etc reminding people to wash hands and sanitize and wipe down regularly whilst in the clubrooms and to socially distance :
Workshops and Club Activities
All participants to contact relevant workshop Manager prior to confirm attendance or to confirm workshop still proceeding;
All participants to sign n and out and participants will be denied access if deemed unwell by Workshop Manager or presenting flu like symptoms;
Participants encouraged to bring own thermos and cups;
Participants may wear masks at their discretion and must clean hands and equipment sink handles and work area prior to and on completion with supplied sanitizer;
Participants to comply with regulated social distancing requirements
Do a RAT (Rapid Antigen Tst) test if feeling flu like symptoms and if test positive stay away from club activities until test negative and symptoms subside
Workshops & Social Meetings
​Mask wearing optional and observe social distancing protocols and above COVID procedures
Check with your workshop manager prior to attending
Participants feeling unwell or with COVID/flu like symptoms must do a RAT test isolate not attend & will be sent home by workshop manager if trying to attend with obvious symptoms
2024 Social meetings events & field trips
Social meetings-No social meeting for July
Social meeting 5 August with guest speaker
Comfort bonfire night 19 August 6pm at clubrooms members only
A program of Field trips is being formulated for members only -details to follow
-Field trip 4 August (members only) check details in clubroom
Masks encouraged and 1.5m social distancing to be observed
Your Committee
A new committee was appointed at our AGM on 16 October 2023
The Committee welcomes members ideas on how we can improve club activities moving forward into 2024 and beyond We met at 7pm on the the Monday of the month
​​Membership Renewals
A reminder that membership fees were due end of February and any fees paid after 1 April will incur a $10 joining fee and participation in workshops may be denied